Show already watching counters:  Swap between counters for all airing animes or only already watching ones (when you, at least, watched one episode).
Airing anime count:  Count of airing animes in your watching list.
Behind episode count:  Number of episodes you must watch until you are Up to date!
Average watching time:  Sum of each anime behind episode * average anime episode duration.
Refresh button:  Average wait time to reload the page.
Theme button:  Swap between light and dark theme.
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Search:  Show animes with literal text in title and alternative titles.
Randomize:  Get any random anime with one or more episodes behind in your calendar.

IridescentJaune's airing list.

Airing anime count:
Behind episode count:
Average watching time:


Animes: 0


Animes: 0


Animes: 0


Animes: 0


Animes: 0


Animes: 0


Animes: 0

Finished airing list.

Finished airing anime from current and last season ()

Paused or not weekly airing list.

Airing anime that is not weekly broadcasted or anime that paused broadcast.

Remainder list.

Anime in your watching list that is not currently airing.